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Selecting The Best Drain Cleaner

Nothing is as annoying as having dysfunctional drains on your property. Drains play a crucial role in ensuring that all the water and waste are effectively drained out of your property. There are copious reasons why your drains may fail to work accordingly.

One of the significant reasons that a drain fails to work is clogging. A drain might clog because of dirt or debris, among many other factors. When you realise you have a slow draining sink, tub, toilet, shower, or any other drain in your home, you should perform immediate drain cleaning.

There are many drain cleaners on the market that you can use to complete the job. The most pivotal thing is to ensure that you use the best drain cleaning products for more satisfying results. This article identifies the best drain cleaners and some tips on using them in the right way.

Types Of Drain Cleaners

When you want to clean your drains, you come across a wide range of drain cleaner options to choose from. The most pivotal thing is to make sure that you choose one that is efficient and easy to use. Read on to find out the different options of drain cleaners available for you to use.

Physical Drain Cleaners

Physical drain cleaners are effective because they are easy and quick to use. Unlike chemical cleaners, you do not waste time waiting for them to dissolve the clog. They are also reusable, meaning you can use them several times, thus saving you on costs. This also makes them safe for the environment. However, physical cleaners are dangerous to use, owing to the fact that they can damage your pipes if misused.

Here are the different physical drain cleaners:

Drain Snakes

There are different makes of drain snakes that you can use to clear your drains. You have the option to get either the long and pole-like snakes or the short ones. Reusable snakes feature a crank on one end. They also have a flexible tube on the other end. You can get the disposable ones made of plastic, but they do not feature a crank.

When using a drain snake, you should place the thinner plastic or flexible tube end into the clogged drain. Spin the snake around using your hand or the crank. The drain snake is more effective for removing hair clogs.


Augers are also effective drain cleaners. There are no disposable options. They are either electronic or have a crank to operate manually. On the working end, the tool features cone-shaped tools. The cone-shaped tool is used in breaking up the clog in your drain. Augers work effectively for cleaning soap buildup or general gunk.


Drain plungers are effective drain cleaners because of the giant suction cup situated at its end. They are effective at removing sink drain clogs.

Airburst Cleaners

Airburst cleaners use carbon dioxide, air, or other gases to dislodge or disintegrate clogs. The equipment works by directing the pressurised gas into the pipes, directing a force through the standing water at the blockage. You can get these devices in varying sizes. Some use carbon dioxide cartridges or built-in compressors to produce the first burst of gas pressure.

One of the significant benefits of airburst cleaners is their ability to clean all types of clogs fast. Chemical cleaners usually take several minutes to hours to dissolve the clog. Airburst cleaners work perfectly in drains with a lot of water and can reach clogs located deep down your drain. Their shortcoming is that they do not work effectively when applied in dry pipes or large pipes like the main sewer drain.

Hydro-Jet Cleaners

Hydro jet cleaners apply high-pressure water to clean the drains of clogs. A technician usually feeds the hosepipe fitted with a nozzle into the drain to be cleaned. The high-pressure water that is pumped into the hose then gets forced out via the nozzle. Due to the high pressure, the energy from water is usually enough to clean the clog from your drain.

One of the benefits of a hydro-jet drain cleaner is that it can work effectively in long pipes. They are also effective in cleaning all forms of drain blockages, whether inorganic or organic. The cleaners also help remove a wide range of contaminants such as oils and grease from inside your drains.

If your drain is exposed to any of the pollutants listed before, they require being hydro-jetted regularly. This helps get rid of conditions inside the pipe that clogs the drains.

Liquid Drain Cleaners

Liquid cleaners are more popular among property owners since they help clean even the deepest part of the drain. There are currently three types of liquid drain cleaners that you can use on your drains. Each of them is well suited for different parts of the drains. Moreover, every kind of liquid cleaner works for different types of clogs and pipes.

Thus, prior to using any of the cleaners, you should know the sort of clog you are dealing with and the kind of drain pipes you are working with. To know the type of clog blocking your drainpipe, you should start by removing the cover using a drain opener and assessing it using a flashlight.

If the clog is located in the deeper parts of the pipe, you can know by its location. Your kitchen sinks are a magnet for grease and food. Bathroom tubs and sinks primarily collect soap scum and hair, while toilets are affected mainly by paper products. You can also use a drain camera to check the images to determine the type of clog affecting your drain.

Here are the types of liquid drain cleaners:


Enzymatic drain cleaners have enzymes producing bacteria like bacillus. They are effective since these bacteria feed on the drain clogs. They are made to be used monthly to prevent clogging and clean the drains of soft materials such as paper or hair. They are not effective in cleaning soap scum or grease from your drains.

For soft clogs, enzymatic drain cleaners can take a day to clean the drains. These cleaners are gentler and non-corrosive to both old and new metal and plastic drain pipes in tubs, sinks, toilets, and showers. They are also safe to apply, so you do not have to wear protective gear when using them.


Caustic cleaners contain alkaline chemicals such as sodium hydroxide that help convert the clogs in your drain into soap-like substances that dissolve quickly in plain water. You can use these clog removers to clean your sinks, tub, and shower drains from soap scum, grease, and food.

Caustic drain cleaners can help get rid of existing clogs within half an hour. However, note that most of them are not made to clear toilet drains since they do not deal with paper products effectively. These cleaners are not effective in cleaning plastic pipes that are more than twenty years old because they can soften them in the process of softening the buildup causing the clogs.

You should also not use them on older metal pipes made of aluminium chrome, brass, or galvanised steel, because they can corrode or tarnish them. Although the caustic drain cleaners are not as toxic as acidic cleaners, they can cause irritation of the nose or eyes with inhalation or contact.

So, you should make sure that you wear safety glasses, respirators, gloves, and other skin-covering clothing for protection. Make sure that your protective gears are made of chemical-resistant materials.


Acidic drain cleaners contain hydrochloric or sulphuric acid that has the right power to clean heavy-duty clogs such as soap scum, food, hair, paper product clogs, or grease within fifteen minutes or less. They are usually safe for new metal, and plastic pipes such as copper in the toilet sink, shower, and tub drains.

You should never use acidic drain cleaners in old metal and plastic pipes. In addition, avoid using them in pipes made of galvanised, stainless, or aluminium steel. These cleaners can irritate your eyes and burn your skin. They can also affect the lungs when inhaled. Therefore, it is necessary to wear safety gear such as safety glasses, respirators, and other chemical-resistant protective clothing.

Effective Tips On How To Use Drain Cleaners

Now that you know the different types of drain cleaning products that you can use for your drains, it is good to know how to use them properly for great results. This is necessary because you could have the right cleaners for your job, but the wrong application or use can lead to poor results. Here are some of the most important tips to help you get great results:

• The most pivotal thing is to make sure you read and understand all the guidelines on using them. You need to adhere to the right amounts when using these cleaners.

• Ensure that you do not leave the cleaners inside your drains for longer than the stipulated time. Chemical cleaners usually produce enough heat to crack porcelain toilet bowls or melt pipes if left for a long time.

• Use acidic and caustic drain cleaners in rooms with ample ventilation. When using them, turn on your exhaust fans and open all windows to boost air circulation.

• As you pour the drain cleaners such as green gobbler into the drain, you should stand outside the showers or tubs.

• When you remove the drain stopper, pour the drain cleaner steadily and slowly into the drain.

• If you are using caustic cleaners, you should never allow the cleaners to get into contact with natural stone surfaces around the drain. This helps avoid etching the surface.

• Do not let acidic cleaners to come into contact with non-acidic surfaces such as stainless steel sinks or marble shower floors. Some chemical cleaners require you to apply a thin petroleum jelly layer to metal surfaces surrounding the drain to prevent damage or discolouration.

• You should never mix drain cleaners with other commercial or homemade drain cleaners. This is necessary to avoid chemical reactions that can produce an explosion or toxic gas.

• According to the manufacturer's guidelines, flush out all the remaining drain cleaners with water at the recommended temperature.

Need Help Cleaning Your Drains?

Using all the above drain cleaners can help remove stubborn clogs from your drains. However, if you do not trust your ability to deal with the clogs and want more effective results, you can hire the best local plumber.

They can help do the cleaning of your drains and garbage disposal. The professionals know the right techniques to use according to the type of pipe and also specific clogs. The job is also done fast, and you are assured that no damage will befall your pipes.