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Cleaning Your Bathroom Exhaust Fan
Are you fed up with foggy mirrors every time you take a shower? Having foggy mirrors is a problem that most people can experience in their bathrooms; however, it is not common. A dirty and or malfunctioning bathroom exhaust fan is one of the primary causes of the fog you sometimes notice on your bathroom mirrors.
Sometimes, the problem worsens, and you start experiencing mould and mildew growth on your bathroom walls. This is caused by too much humidity and heat as a result of a bathroom exhaust fan that is not in good working condition. In most cases, the problem is always minor, caused by dirt or the accumulation of debris in your bathroom exhaust fan.
This should not make you panic since the solution is as simple as cleaning the bathroom and focusing on the ceiling fans. For your bathroom exhaust fans to be clean and in good working condition, it starts with a cleaned bathroom. Bathroom exhaust fans facilitate good ventilation as well as effective air conditioning in the bathroom.
While there are simple approaches that you can follow to clean the exhaust fans, sometimes all it takes for better results is hiring professionals to do the work. However, before you hire a professional to help with cleaning your vent fans, keep reading to learn more about bathroom exhaust fans and how to clean them properly. First, let's look at why you need exhaust fans in your bathroom in the first place.
What Are The Benefits Of Bathroom Exhaust Fans?
Reducing Humidity in the Bathroom
The reduction of humidity is essential for the proper maintenance of the bathroom. A lot of moisture in the bathroom may increase the growth of mould and mildew. Bathroom exhaust fans help remove spores' accumulation, thus inhibiting the growth of mould and mildew.
Similarly, a lot of moisture in the bathroom may damage your bathroom wall paint. It may also cause damage to the bathroom door, even though this is only on rare occasions. Bathroom exhaust fans effectively prevent all these problems by reducing humidity levels in the bathroom.
Removing Odours in the Bathroom
A bathroom fan can effectively help in getting rid of odours in the bathroom because exhaust fans facilitate an efficient ventilation system. As every bathroom needs to have a breathable and clean atmosphere, you must install exhaust fans in your bathrooms if you don't already have them.
Dealing with Foggy Mirrors
Bathroom exhaust fans help control the humidity levels in the bathroom and get rid of water vapour. This helps in keeping the mirrors and walls free from all that unwanted fog.
Getting Rid of Airborne Contaminants
Now, this issue relates to the cleaning solutions used in bathroom cleaning. Some of the cleaning solutions used to achieve a clean bathroom contain many toxic and harmful chemicals. These chemicals are often unsafe for human beings, especially the aged, young children and people with breathing problems, and even pets. Exhaust fans help keep these contaminants out of your bathroom, so you have clean air to breathe.
How To Clean A Bathroom Exhaust Fan
In this section, we'll guide you on how to clean your bathroom exhaust fan efficiently. The process is relatively effortless and does not require a lot of time. With enough confidence, you can undertake the whole procedure by yourself.
Step One: Preparing for the Cleaning
It is always best to switch off the breaker to the bathroom before cleaning the exhaust fan. Similarly, ensure that the power is off by testing the bathroom exhaust fan. After doing that, you need to properly place a stepladder that would enable you to access the ceiling fan.
Once you are in close proximity to the exhaust fan, begin by vacuuming the cover to get rid of any dust particles. Vacuuming the cover will help prevent the dust from making your bathroom floor dirty, as this can lead to unnecessary extra work.
Step Two: Unscrewing the Fan Cover
After cleaning the vent cover, it is now alright to remove the fan cover. Begin by gently removing the vent cover before squeezing the mounting wires from the two sides. After that, remove the wires from the fan housing by gently pulling them from the slots. While some exhaust fans come with a light, others do not.
Therefore, you need to check if yours has a light before proceeding to clean it. If it does, it would be best to disconnect the wire then press on the release tab found on the connector. Successfully carrying out these procedures should enable the exhaust fan cover to come off easily. If your exhaust fan cover has a light, you don't need to worry since you have begun vacuuming it.
However, there is no harm in vacuuming the insides again. On the other hand, if your bathroom exhaust fan has no light, then you can make it clean simply by filling your sink with water and putting it in. Use soapy water for better results. Use a clean, soft cloth or a soft brush to gently scrub vent covers before rinsing them with clean water. Leave it to dry as you continue with the rest of the process.
Step Three: Vacuuming the Vent Fan
Remember that you don't need to remove the motor in this step. Additionally, you need to be very cautious and gentle with the vent fan components. First, begin by vacuuming while ensuring that your vacuum has a crevice attachment at the tip. This will help to remove the dust and debris.
On the motor parts, it would help to use a vacuum with a brush attached at the tip. Be gentle to avoid causing any unwarranted damage to the motor parts and causing more harm than good. You can finish this step by wiping the fan and motor parts using a clean microfibre piece of cloth. This is effective for the removal of any residual dirt particles.
Step Four: Deep-Cleaning the Motor
After vacuuming the fan, removing the motor for deep cleaning is safe. You will need a magnetic tip screwdriver to unscrew the motor from the fan unit for this process. Begin by disconnecting the connector since it facilitates the power supply to the motor. After that, go ahead and unscrew the fan unit's motor using the magnetic tip screwdriver.
Hold the motor properly as you unscrew it to prevent it from falling and getting damaged. Once you have successfully detached the motor from the fan unit, you can get down from the ladder to give the motor a thorough vacuuming. Remember the fan blades as you vacuum the motor; these too will need to be vacuumed. After vacuuming, use a moist microfiber to wipe the motor and the fan blades for better results.
Step Five: Re-Installing the Exhaust Fan
This is the last step in the process of cleaning a bathroom exhaust fan. Begin by screwing the motor back into place. Ensure the screws are tight enough. Next, you need to install the fan. Now place the wires properly into their slots and push the fan cover gently into its place with the help of the mounting wires.
Should You DIY Or Use Professionals?
The cleanliness of your bathroom exhaust fans reflects directly on the cleanliness of your bathroom. Bathroom ventilation fans ensure that the bathroom has a clean and comfortable atmosphere. They also ensure that your bathroom mirrors are free from the foggy mirror syndrome, that the paint on your bathroom walls is protected, and that your bathroom is free from mould and mildew growth.
Cleaning a bathroom exhaust fan is not difficult and can be done through a DIY method at home. You will not need many tools, and you will not incur any unnecessary expenses. All you need is commitment, zeal, and passion for your bathroom. However, not everybody has the necessary time nor the skills required to thoroughly clean their bathroom exhaust fans.
If you cannot allocate time or simply do not have the skills or know-how to take these steps to clean your exhaust fans or would prefer to avoid the stress entirely, you can easily hire an expert to help clean the fans for you. It would be best to choose a professional that is well versed with electrical systems as they will have the knowledge to get the job done right.